Friday 27 February 2015

Hazan Motorworks: hardware, speed, kinetic

Christian Benner Custom: millennial, showcasing, casual

Rolex: accessory, ticking, sleek

A lighting project I did for my foundation year at UNSW. Taking advantage of the layered paper cutouts and lighting, it creates a gradual shadow gradient from light to dark. It is inspired by the harsh Australian outback which is constantly shaped by fires and how it not only brings destruction but life as well. 

Eames House by the Eames
Located in Los Angeles, this house is iconic to the Avant-garde movement. Designed and built by the Eames the house stands in harmony with its surroundings. The house became the home and workplace of the couple and today it is designated as a National Historic Landmark.

This picture was taken in Queenstown, New Zealand while trekking with some friends in the mountains directly behind the town.